There is something awkward and untrustworthyabout him; and with his built-in lascivious leer and the double entendresthat seem to spill unwittingly his tongue he is clearly the wrongperson to be approaching female strangers to discuss their anatomies andhow they might be---ahem---improved. And of course in the first part ofthis film anything that might go wrong during the course of his salespitches does go wrong. The scene where some of the Fuller Breast Formulagets spilled into the. "Ok. Well, I was going to strip us both naked, tie you up to the bed, sit on your face and fart on you!"She grinned and laughed."Mmmmm that sounds like a real lovely treat..."I softly sighed."Maybe I'll still give you that treat, for being such a good girl."She winked seductively at me and gently caressed my thigh.I just sat there looking at her with a smile as she touched me like that."I think the smell has eased up a bit in here now."She suddenly stated as she sniffed the air.I sniffed the. " This caused Derrick to nod as they started forward. They had barely reached the inner chamber doors when several energy beams erupted from the far recess of the wall. Everyone watched in horror as they beams struck the emperor. Derrick fell among a great amount of screaming. Trianas could only smile not as she had wanted to do but as long as the repulsive asshole was dead she was happy. Making her way down she suddenly encountered a Ranger cadet. Sighing she thought another piss ant to kill.. His eyes could not avoid the silky black flesh of the huge thighs before him, and the black flaps of the juiced cunt at their base, which was being fingered by its owner. Mother Fifi looked at him with a half-smile of arrogant serenity, her huge shiny breasts wobbling gently to display her rock hard nipples as she pleasured the clitoris which poked pink from beneath its dusky hood. Her eyes met his as other women sat with her, smiling wickedly at him, knowing he’d been chosen for a display.
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