‘In the same section?’ She nodded again. ‘It must be wonderful not having to wear clothes all day. Electricity would never countenance it. But I... guess, the Civil Service have got to provide some benefits to counter the lousy pay.’ Edwin sat with the two girls for the rest of the evening which seemed to go on interminably. Edwin ordered a bottle of wine, which the three shared between them, with Clarissa drinking the most. Gradually Clarissa became more intimate with Edwin, and it didn’t. So I boarded a passenger train from Bareilly junction. The train seemed to be negative choice as it was deserted inside, only a fistful passengers could be seen. But since there was no other option I sat in the most occupied compartment. Believe me even the most occupied wagon had about ten people.As the train drifted I grabbed my earphones and switched on the music, it was about 9:30 p.m. train stopped on its first station and to my surprise all my co-passengers descended from the train. Now I. Our tongues fought and all the time I was slipping my cock in and out of her.I broke free and lifted on to my arms and watched the pleasure in her face as my cock slipped back and forth. She move and positioned herself under me, accommodating more of my cock in her slippery fanny as her groans grew louder the deeper I drove into her.I kept fucking her and watching the expressions on her face as my cock filled her then felt her legs come around my back, nipping up tight together and opening. You lean down bringing your body close and holding me as best as you can. I return the favor by wrapping my arms around you and holding you back. I love the closeness of our two bodies together.The passion between is so hot and we cannot get enough of each other. We fuck harder and faster until you cum again only this time inside me. You then climb off me and get back down on your knees eating my pussy again keeping me going. I love how you will not stop and it makes me want you more. You eat.
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