How had it come to this?Her idle curiosity was just a passing fancy, the answer did not matter. She was happy, and comfortable, as if permanently held... between worlds, the pleasant lassitude as one is about to claimed by sleep, or in those few, alert, seconds after waking, when the day seems bright and new, before one's problems flow into consciousness like a breaking wave.She had no problems now.As she drifted on light pleasure, she had no will to move a muscle, looking forward to the next time. Trying to look suddenly horrified. "It's not you is it, do I need to get checked?"I must admit I hoped she would deny it, I wanted to continue the wind up. If she admitted it we would start talking divorce, but before I did that I wanted to deplete our bank accounts first. But she caught me by surprise, she fainted.I thought to myself. "Fuck her." and left her lying on the floor.When she hadn't moved after five minutes I called for an ambulance.They arrived just as she was coming round, they. Not nearly enough for my happiness. But clear it we did, and then we were heading to pass the west cardinal buoy marking the shallows off Harwich. At the North Shelf buoy, we were able to head south.Steve and Phil dropped the mainsail, lashed it to the boom, and used the boom as a crane, to hoist the dinghy aboard – the mainsheet to the transom and the main halyard to the bows of the little boat. I was fascinated. Almost before I knew what they were doing, the boat was aboard and upside down. "Kim is playing sad tunes on her flute. It's going to be a rough day tomorrow." That's a very pretty song, and she plays it so well," Nancy remarked. "I wish I could play something that beautifully." You're the best of us with a skin flute," Beatrice quipped to Nancy; then turned to Tuan. "Tell me, o wise and powerful seer, how does Kim's magic flute predict the future?"Tuan cut his eyes and tried to look dangerous, but Beatrice stood her ground and giggled totally ruining the empty threat..
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