Du vor mir, ich beobachte deine Beine, wie sie sich vor mir bewegen, Schritt für Schritt, dein wundervoller Arsch schaut ein Stück unter dem Mantel ...hervor; den Schal halte ich in der Hand, so führe ich dich, an einer Leine gleich hinaus. Mit ihm habe ich gleich noch etwas vor, nachdem wir wieder im Auto sind. Ich werde es dir noch nicht verraten, denn erstmal bist du froh, wieder im warmen Auto zu sein. Ich bemerke ein leichtes Zittern deiner Hand und deiner Beine. Aufgestautes Adrenalin,. He appeared in a clean uniform about twenty minutes later. I signaled him to join me."How is it going?" I asked as he joined me. "Did you receive the movement orders?" Yes, they arrived this morning. We still have a week or so before this class finishes, and I was planning on moving after that. We will have a two week break in the training then. The orders also indicated that I would keep the present class to help with the move. They are to be assigned to you after that," he told me."How large. Now I get paid to sit on my ass, and I can pad my savings account and preserve myself for later." Preserve yourself for what?" I ask. "What are you going to do in another ten years? Are you still going to ride herd on some servers and listen to idiots like Nick?" Shit, no. In another five years, I'll be fully vested in my retirement money, and then I'll tell Nick where to shove it." She leans closer and drops her voice, even though we're all alone in the office."I tuck away half my paycheck. I waited for Jimmy, and he came out with the girl he'd been sitting with, and walked right by me, pretending that he didn't even know me. I shrugged when they left and went outside myself and walked home. For me, it had been a good day.I didn't see Jimmy again until that next Monday when school started. He explained that he had gotten his girl from Saturday to invite him home with her, and that was the reason he hadn't stopped in the lobby, or at least paused, to let me know where he was.
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