My advice is to shut it off, and go on manual if it gives any problems. I will feed the specifications to your ship." What can the suit do?" Its AI is... the strongest feature, if it will cooperate. It basically is a small one woman space ship, with its strong anti-gravity field and shielding. Wastes are recycled so you could live for months in the suit. It has a built in recognisance unit, up to the fifth dimension. There is an impressive array of weapons." What are the bad points?" As I said. . I didn’t open up much and went back home after saying ty for offering the food.. From that day onwards I made up my mind to fuck the shit out of her.From next day whenever she came outside I used to smile naughtily @ her, wantedly stared @ her boobs so that she notices .. And guess what she used to reply back with a wink.. I was overjoyed!! After 3 days or so I saw her hubby leaving , I went to her home, and pretended to be very hungry. She knew my intention and let me through..While she was. We sat and drank tea back at the house, Polly made a good cuppa but “Polly put the kettle on” kept ringing in my head, “are you staying or going back to the village tonight?” Polly asked “I am staying overnight” I replied “I will travel back tomorrow” I added “would you like to come for dinner?” Simone asked “I would love to if it’s alright and I am not intruding” I said “not at all” said Simone “let’s say about 7.00pm then you can help put her to bed, and maybe read her a bedtime story” she. .." JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! I'M NOT CRAZY!" With that, she takes off running to their room. She's still crying and she grabs a suitcase. She starts throwing clothes in there and her stuffed bear, Moo Moo. A few minutes later, she hears the sound of footsteps coming up the hallway. The bedroom door opens and closes. There's no way Chase didn't see the mess. Just as calm as ever he asks, "Baby, what are you doing?"She turns around with her teddy bear in one hand and suitcase in the other, "I'm.
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