Chapter Four Griselda anoints me again. The fate of traitors discussed. Griselda kisses me. I am precipitated into a delicate position. My attendance the trial arranged. I may inadvertently have given the impression at the end of the previous chapter that the day was far advanced because I fell asleep. The events described had occurred in the forenoon. I was still enfeebled by my bruising and required more repose than is normal. In the middle of the afternoon Griselda returned, woke me up. It was dark with lights going on and off. We were dancing and kissing each other. We were so high and didn’t know how much drunk we were. And we could barely walk to our room.We were going to our room through the hallway and I happen to search the room key. But I could not find it. She had a lot of vodka shots. She didn’t know what she was doing. I was drunk as well. She decided to help me find the room key. She was kissing me and started to remove my shirt in search of the key.She could not. Bock had been a turning point. Although she could not remember much about what happened there, since the appointment Milly had blossomed socially. To be more exact, were Milly not such a little lady, one would say she had become a cock hound!Like many women who discover the joys of sex a little tardily, Milly focused on the basics, seeking to make up for lost time. Candles at dinner were an unnecessary expense and wine, however useful for getting a guy into bed, interfered with optimal. Another man will lie down on the bed and my wife will crawl on top of him and insert his cock in her cunt and I will get up behind her and suck the fresh cum out of her asshole. This will go on over and over till she has drained every ounce of cum out of all the men at the party. Sometimes she will suck my cock while everybody else fucks her ass and pussy, her holes will be fully injected with cum spewing cocks.I just love to watch other men fill her ass and cunt with their cum. One time I went.
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