..." Say it." They recognised me. Whenever you sent me in as a man they alwaysrecognised me and took the piss out of me because I was the guy wholiked... to dress up in a bra. I hated going there."*******************************************Dressed as I was, the lingerie and sheer blouse, walking throughManchester wasn't too bad. Sure some people stared and had a laugh,but most didn't even notice. A skirt or a dress would have reallycaught their eye, but it was only those that got up close. Mom had been blessed with beauty, dancers legs, brains and boobs ... I have to admit she was short ... I was catching up in the height department ... but the boobs? Nope. Not even a pimple.Mom had never worried about gravity ... she still looked a fresh eighteen ... boobs to match."Started your period yet?" Mom!" You will ... and soon." Mom!" Got your supplies?" MOM!!"I don't know how I could blush harder ... the cousins had waved the red flag of womanhood weeks ago ... and made sure I knew. Mia madre: "Bene siamo quasi a meta' dell'opera, e devo dire che stiamofacendo proprio un buon lavoro... ma non c'e tempo da perdere, ancora latrasformazione non e' completa e abbiamo del lavoro da fare" ah si? non ti basta gia' questo?" No!" - ridendo- "A questo punto e' l'ora cambiare anche un'altraparte...."Gi? avevo capito a cosa si riferiva...ahime! Mi presenta uno dei suoireggiseni (non chiedetemi quanti ne aveva.dentro i cassetti... c'eranodecine di colori e forme). Anche questo, come le. That was a nice introduction but the next round will be much worse" She lets go and my head sags again as she walks away with a chuckle.After an unknown passage of time I hear her calling my name again and I snap back to awareness. Behind me, she is caressing my buttocks gently and marveling at the lack of any visible injury. She reaches into the bag and selects a larger strap-on that is 10 inches long and 3 inches in diameter. Unlike the first probe, this one has four electrical contacts. .
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