After the nap, her friend called, she packed a medium bagthat you would carry for a workout and her laptop, caught the intercitybus and was there at friends.Her friend realized what she had been through; her friend startedsomething as part of the Danish way, rest you are welcome here. It wasthe first few days of rest to get over massive sleep deprevation andemotional exhaustion.Present time, like her parents taught her of her family's philosophy,she has moved on and forward. What this. Of course everything is so simple here, outside we have simple shower under water-tank to all of us and toilet is old fashion two-seated wooden outhouse. Smell is not disturbing me, I raised on country-farm where I have grown with smell of shit. And actually that doesent smell so much and it is that far from our condos. One thing was annoying from very start – flies. If you have seen lot of them, thats nothing. Here is a LOT of them. They are everywhere. Luckily we have fly-nets over our beds. The only familymember who had always been there for her, supported, and protected her,was now gone and just relegated to a memory. After half an hour of themental gymnastics she gave up and climbed out of the tub feeling no betteroff than when she started.As she was getting ready, she almost slipped back into her comfortclothes, jeans and a tee shirt, when something made her pause. Even thoughher parents had seen her most of the day and treated her as a daughter,they had only seen 'practical'. "Well, he thought, I've surely been caught. Still, she seemed to be amused more than angry. In fact, she might even be slightly titillated by his actions."Oh, not at all, Valerie. I can't pretend not to notice, can I?" He smiled. "So pretty and colorful. Kind of decorative, I thought!!" He stared brazenly back at her.Valerie looked steadily into his eyes, her smile never wavering. She had decided she liked this amusing Yank. Enjoyed his blithe overconfidence. She was charmed by his easy-going.
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