Ja sam vrlo hladna osoba, ali u seksu jednostavno volim biti submisivna, koliko se god to kao kršilo s nečim kaj nam pokušavaju prodati u zadnje vr...ijeme o ženskoj neravnopravnosti, koja postoji naravno, ali nije toliko prenapuhani problem. Moja submisivnost u seksu se ne prostire nimalo dalje od seksa, ali svejedno se nekada pitam kaj govori o meni kao curi da volim biti submisivnija svom dečku, nego on meni recimo. Iako postoje situacije u kojima je obrnuto, ali ne baš toliko često da bih. I had contacts. One contact led me to another. He put me in touch with an actual member of the group that would do the alterations to my ship, and install the weapon or weapons I wanted.The price for this was astronomical! I almost canceled, but decided at the last moment, that weapons in this iffy time were a must! I paid for a highly illegal but also highly accurate targeting system. It was disguised with all my other sensors. Unless you KNEW it was there, and where you should look, you would. I wanted to know how far this was going to go. When I stood back up, he turned me towards his desk and leaned me over it. He didn't ask. "Now that... is one hell of a lovely fucking view," I could hear the smile without even seeing it. His hands were on me on no time. Exploring the curves of my waist, my thighs, and my ass. That's when he hit me.SMACK! I cried out in pain as the heat started to build on my ass. But it didn't happen just once, or twice, but four times. Twice for both cheeks. . The little brat had three orgasms to my one! It just wasn’t fair. Then she reminded me of the blowjob in the sand dune on the beach. Oh yeah! Robin just stayed there on top of her sheet and I went to my bed.The next morning she asked if I wanted to do it again. Hell yes! So we made love again, then showered together, before getting dressed. Robin said that her tits were a little tender but promised to keep some sun block on so that mom would let us go back to Jones Beach. After breakfast we.
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