Gedanklich ließ sie die letzten Wochen Revue passieren. Was sie alles erlebt hatte und welche Erfahrungen sie gemacht hat. Vor ein paar Tagen hatte mit ihrer Mutter über Skype telefoniert. Normalerweise mag Katja Skypen mit Video nicht aber ihre Mutter hatte sehr darauf bestanden. „Ich möchte unbedingt meine Tochter sehen“ hatte Britta als Argument vorgebracht. Katja ließ den Videochat über sich ergehen und nach 15 Minuten war das ganze vorbei. Das Gespräch war eigentlich belanglos. Es ging. . really feel it.... before I yank the garrote again, and the wire bites deep into the milk white skin of her slender neck, slicing her jugular... blood splashes in a hot crimson spray and her skinny young body begins to shake and twitch.... this is definitely the best fuck you ever had. The look on the poor girls face is enough to make you cum... her lovely innocence shattered by the brutal reality of sudden terror and agony.... confusion...fear.....panic...... pain..... beautiful..... so. Because then I have to work directly for that ... 'layno' ... how to sayin English ... shit? fucker...? That fucker Gavriil Zakharov. He killswomen. Says it sends a message. I don't work directly for men who killwomen."Leona's blood ran cold. She could barely get the words out of her mouth."Gavriil Zakharov is dead." No Leona Jade. He is pretend dead. Very much alive. And like you havinga dick, you speak of this to no one of course." Of course."****************Part 5: Cinzia RossiCynthia. They looked at him warily and weren’t sure what to make of this handsome, fit, young man with his open smile and easy manner. Since they couldn’t move camp so late in the day, they opted to be friendly and share their dinner. He brought two cans of rice pudding for dessert.“You carry cans? Isn’t that heavy? All our stuff is dried”“Yes, but I don’t mind really. I like rice pudding. Anyway you have to carry water instead don’t you?” He wasn’t experienced in hiking, he didn’t know whether people.
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