-Starboard deck first. I’ve never seen the Paps of Jura up close. -The what? -Jura’s the adjacent island, and has three fine mountains. From their... shape, they’re called paps. Scots for a woman’s breasts. Jura’s other claim to fame is that George Orwell wrote ‘1984’ there when he was dying of TB. Stupid place for a man with TB to stay – it must be one of the wettest bits of Scotland. Let’s have a look. They stepped on deck to see the mountains of Jura rise above to the right, but something else. We crave for sensations we are not allowed, and desire lovers we shall never have. Our senses trick us, and lie to us - confusing us and making us believe we can have these forbidden fruits. However, should we give into this temptation, dark reprecussions await us...------------------------------ObsessionChapter 1Obsession------------------------------This is part one of ten. See below for a list of Chapters.ChaptersI ObsessionII ConfessionIII SatisfactionIV FufillmentV . I pushed my cock into Zaras mouth till I reached her throat. Zara had yet to deepthroat a cock, I know Georgina will teach her. Swapping between Pussy and mouth, Zara and Georgina cumming many times, I finally came inside Georgina. My cum consumed by Zara as she sucked on her first pussy. Zara and Georgina shared my cum before falling asleep. In the morning Zara and Georgina were sitting at the table naked laughing. Morning I chipped in. Hi came from both girls and Zara kissed me. That was. “Way more expensive, too.”“If you know about that, why don’t the cops?” I asked.“He’s very careful who he sells to. Basically, only friends and people he knows well.”“Sure, but if everyone knows, then everyone knows, including the ‘narc’.”“I suppose so,” Lee said. “I honestly only know about it third-hand, so I can’t say. I’d be willing to bet his stash is no longer in his dorm room, if that’s where he kept it.”“There is going to be one problem,” Robby said. “Rumor has it they’re going to.
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