“Dad, you showed me the first night how to touch, so it’s not like you haven’t touched me before. Plus we touched each other a lot in the pool ...yesterday” she pleads.After a pause in thought, Tom smiles and hugs her. “Well, I guess it’s only fair!” Tom releases her and turns to put his back against the arm rest of the couch and pulls Lisa up between his legs, back to him. He starts by kissing her neck and little as his arms reach around her small body and he begins to caress her flat. Then one day you look up from your computer to see who's standing next to you and there they are! That blue. The blue that looks deep into your soul. “Hi,” she said. “I’m Chastity.” Her teeth were perfectly aligned and as white as new piano keys. I looked her over and thought of a line from St. Augustine’s “Confessions”: “Give me chastity and continence, but not just yet!” Words of wisdom by a sensible man. I should have listened to them. “Uh-huh. What can I do for you?” I said, and I. Considering he he larger than I am, her pussy always feels stretched out and well-fucked.Other times she will spend the night with him at a hotel and will give me all the details the following day. Those times are the worst because I will stroke it off 2 or 3 times just waiting for her return, wondering what they are doing. One night he IM'd her and wanted to fuck. She told him I was out with some friends, so our place was good to go. What he didn't know is that I was upstairs in our bedroom. I can feel the heat through your light panties as you wiggle under my fingers as they lightly trace the outline of your lips beneath the light fabric. My hand zeroes in on the target we both desire. As I continue to please your breasts with my mouth I gently begin to find you magic button and I'm rewarded with a slight moan that escapes from your lips. I continue to trace my way around your perfect mound through the light fabric. I am soon rewarded by a slight dampening of your undies as I.
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