If heoffered too much for her this Armand fellow might become suspiciouswhich could cause more problems. Stronger measures would probably benecessary ...in that case, he mused, stroking his beard. Gold would playits part in that case too, of course. His associate and currentdrinking partner Choro was already bought and paid for but his lower-class connections could easily find Bertram the extra hire-swords hemight need to take Lily by force from her owner. More gold would payfor tarns to take them. "I smiled as I pulled my weapon and shot him through the head. Bodyguards were suddenly pulling weapons but I had already holstered mine as I looked at the prince, "you set the terms your highness."He actually grinned and waved his guards back, "so I did."I walked down to the auction stage, "the last valid bid is one million."I pulled the mega credit pad and tossed it, "the last bid was mine."He licked his lips before glancing at the prince and nodding. I helped the girl off the stage as he. I mean, I get compliments all the time. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever not gotten a really good review.”From there, we discussed the idea as if I had never offended him to beginwith. We exchanged our individual thoughts on rates and services, locations andclients, rules and regulations. When we disagreed, we debated until we couldcome to a compromise. We cracked jokes about bad ideas and complimentedeach other on good ones. By the end of it, we had verbally created a blueprint for our new. In less than a minute, I started to cum. I came long and hard, squirting all over her tits and belly. I kept pumping until I was dry and it still felt like I was cumming with the vibrating cock up my ass."You know what you have to do now, don't you?" she said. I looked down at her body covered in thick ropy cum and nodded, a bit queasy."Yes, I know what to do." I replied.I slid my still twitching body off the vibrating cock and got on my knees beside her. I started low on her body and looked in.
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