The best prepared of all were the super-rich, who had already wargamed for the end of civilisation. Most holed up in doomsday bunkers, paying a small of military guards in supplies to keep them safe. Most were laid siege to and executed by hordes of desperate everymen and women.The term normally used to describe this scenario, ‘post-apocalyptic’, is one that would have comfortably sufficed to apply to the mid-to-late twenty-first century.But that was before Christ came back.The hysterical. You know I don't want to come back late."This time Laura was carrying a watch. She did not like the uncertainty of the last occasion and wanted to know the time so she did not start worrying too soon. But certainly she did not want Nancy to come back late, so she handed her the watch.Nancy left the cubicle and smiled. She did not have a real customer call; she just set an alarm in her cell phone and invented the conversation. The fact is that she wanted to take the rich girl down a peg. She. .." Husband?" He's ok. Not in love with me or anything." No?" No" Hard to imagine... not loving you... you are beautiful." And you?" I think he's a good guy... just not exciting..."She lowered her head, not meeting my eyes. Then she said,"You're a kind man, Sujith. I like that. It's very attractive in a man, you know."I lifted her chin again."Talk to me, kid. What's wrong with your marriage?" "Nothing really. Everything is fine. We got married a couple years ago. Our families knew each other.... The elevator area looked crowded so I ran up the stairs to divest of my coat and bag before sauntering into the meeting room as though I’d been around for hours.“Morning everyone.”There were a few muted responses. I sat down and helped myself to black coffee. The meeting was as boring and as pointless as usual, with everyone too afraid to admit if they were behind with their schedules, and plenty of snide remarks, inside jokes and barely-concealed gossiping. The most pressing issue seemed to be.
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