“Tom?” he asked breathily. “Could you... Um...” “What is it, babe?” Tom asked huskily. Carl felt his stomach roll over. “Can you put in ...my butt, please?” Carl asked in almost a whisper. Tom’s face lit up like he had just won the lottery on Christmas morning. Not only was he getting it in with the hottest girl he’d ever met, but his innocent little girlfriend had a secretly slutty side, and wanted it up the ass! He practically threw Carl down onto the bed in his eagerness, tearing off his lacy. (That u can show later show me the cards now. )Then I also felt a bit naughty and while looking at her cleavage said “ vaise kuch kuch to to dikh raha hai” ( I can see part of it. She showed me the cards and said u are very naughty I said u r no less.She said par kuch kuch me aur poore me bahut fark hai(there a lot of difference in part and full). I said yeh to dekh kar hi pata chalega( this can be found out after seeing only). any way she had better cards and she won. In the mean time everyone. If you want, you can join me.”Mason declined and offered to prepare breakfast. Emily stayed and watched him move and bounce around in his loose-fitting, light-blue briefs, making scrambled eggs with sausage patties, toasting and buttering slices of bread, and pouring orange juice. He had a silly boyish smile on his face every time he looked at her.Finally, she had to ask, “What’s with you today? Did you see a birdie?”“No, but I did see something nicer that also starts with a ‘b’,” he said, but. “Actually, I am just the Acting President” she told them. “I am filling in for six months for Eleanor Ferguson the REAL President of BSC. Her health hasn’t been the best lately so we packed her off to the South of France for six months to get better.”Jack was trying to comprehend all this but was having some difficulty due to the fact that there was another naked and very good looking woman in front of him. The Acting President of BSC had beautifully toned skin all over her body - not a single.
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