... Dann kam das Erschrecken: Es war ihr Chef, der noch Unterlagen aus dem Büro in der Hand hatte! Oh Gott, schoss es Bea durch den Kopf! Was nun? Ih...r Chef, Herr Schneider, grinste sie nur an, öffnete die Tür ganz und fragte ganz unverblümt: "Na, kann ich kurz reinkommen?" wobei er die Antwort garnicht abwartete sondern dann ganz in ihrer Wohnung stand. "Na, was haben wir denn hier für eine süße kleine Schlampe" meinte er ganz unverfroren. Er hatte zwar gewußt, dass sein neuer Mitarbeiter. Her trembling ass writhed in small, frenzied circles, struggling for the release that was now so close.Wilson's hands grasped the woman's big, soft ass-melons and he buried his face in the fat softness of her furry pussy. Her thighs locked around his head, their fleshy softness molding to his ears and muffling the sounds of her breathless cries of orgasm. Her hands were in his hair, pulling his head harder between her legs and the pulpy softness of her cuntflesh blocked his deeply buried nose. .and then she said'I was thinking about it all night - I felt terrible about how mean Iwas yesterday. And I finally realized it had been building up sincethat time, many years ago, when mom punished me because of you''What are you talking about?' I said 'I don't remember anything likethat''You really don't, do you?' she said, and was silent for a few minutes.Finally she said'When you were really little, you were the cutest thing. I'd alwayswanted a sister, and you were always fascinated with. I started laughing and I cleaned myself off I said you liked me Ichiro han you like my tight pussy didn't you he smiled and said Hai sayuri San you felt so experienced it felt like you were sucking me in your pussy I loved it and I love you sayuri Well Ichiro San it's my job to please people it's the sweetest thing to do Yes sayuri San thank you so much your breast were big and beautiful and tasty they look like cream yellow Cake and they were sweet and soft and your ass was so very round ripe.
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