I heard your shower running before, why?’ ‘I was sweaty, mistress.’ ‘Why in the world would you be sweaty at this hour?’ ‘Nerves mistress ...I was walking the floor all evening.’ There was no point lying to her and it made no difference, she had an agenda controlling me and thrived on my desperation for her body. ‘So you think you’ll get it tonight George?’ She smiled that noncommittal smile of hers. ‘I’m your slave mistress I can only hope,’ she grasped my bulge for a moment making me gasp and. She handed me the letter and asked me to read the words: ‘My darling daughter, All my life I have wanted and needed children. I felt incomplete until I was pregnant with you. You made me complete. I may never know you, but understand that I love you in my heart. You are a part of my soul. Despite my need to hold you, love you and nurture you, I know that it is not a good thing if I do it. You will need a constant, unchanging hand to guide you through your life. As badly as I long for this, I. She rolls to her side, taking my cock, first rubbing the head around the palm for her hand before stroking it. Taking a firm grip she strokes my cock slow, then every few moment real fast then slow again. When precum starts leaking out, she sits up on her knees, slowly stroking my cock with one hand and the other teasing my balls. This whole time I'm watching her, I can tell she is debating on sucking it or ride it, I get my answer when she looks at my lady and ask if she could ride my cock. . They have left me free, so sooner or later I am going to get an escape opportunity and I have to be ready for the attempt at any time. She wasn’t going to be a docile prisoner she was going escape. To get out she was going to have to be strong. With this thought Elizabeth lay faced down on the floor and began to do push ups. God I love this job, Michel thought as he watched Elizabeth’s tight body on closed circuit TV. There was two views one from directly above through the mirror on the ceiling.
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