" Couldn't you just write books or something?" I'm doing that now, in the summer and during the year when I schedule it. I like to have informed colle...agues to work with in taking the next step. It's me. It's what I do. You used to find it attractive."She inhaled deeply, "I don't know what to say. You're leaving me. I will be alone. It was bad enough waiting for you after the reunion, but now, there is no end to the waiting."He leaned back on the couch and brought her closer in his arms so that. Das ganze war ganz spontan, was es noch aufregender machte!angefangen hat alles, als ich und zwei kollegen in einer bar ein paar bierchen tranken. dabei fiel mir immer wieder auf, dass eine frau zu uns rüber schaute und mich anlächelte. zunächst ignorierte ich das, da ich dachte sie schaut jemanden neben uns an denn sie war einiges älter als ich, bestimmt gegen die 50. ausserdem sass sie mit zwei männern und einer weiteren frau am tisch...kurz nachdem meine freunde die bar für eine zigi. ”Jim wide-eyed looked at his old friend. “Holy fuck dude, how did you get her back to the states, better yet how the fuck did you manage to find a girl so damn fast?”Mike stood and walked over and stood behind her. “Bro there is a place in Japan that train girls just for the purpose of coming to America and serving white guys like us. I spent $17,000 on her, most of it pays the cost for all her papers, which are already done to come here. They have con sections in the state department to fast. She poured it down like water as she read thing with me. Once the alcohol took over she lost it.We about shit when she started crying and slurred out "this can't be happening, it didn't go like this before! I never even met you people or did this movie!"She seemed to realize what she was saying then and started crying so hard she couldn't talk. I hugged her and she held on sobbing and hiccupping occasionally until she went silent. Upon closer examination, we discovered that she had passed out.
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