The material was black as night, and reflected the light as though it was partly metallic. When she lifted it from the box and held it up in front of ...her, it unfolded slowly, its weight surprisingly light in her small hands. She dressed herself in private, and he was more than satisfied to let her do it. It was his turn to gasp when she appeared from their bedroom, wrapped in the elegant gift from her enigmatic lover.The material fit her midsection as tightly as a corset, softening to cup her. "lets see it in doggy style he said.My bum was stuck out for him to see"MMM that's it stay like that you dirty fucker"he said.i froze for a while,the old man stood over my bum and wanked his cock hard.his hands was soon over my bum and my balls that hung down,he spread my cheeks really wide making me gasp,i looked round to see his face buried into my crack,i felt his hot tongue probe at my little hole.i let out a gasp as his tongue seemed to have a life of its own,all the while he let out moans. I looked at myself carefully in the mirror at what I had become. I now had long, beautiful blonde hair that went halfway down myback and was feathered in the front. My breasts were a C cup butdue to my incredible thin waist they appeared much bigger. Mylegs were tan and beautiful, one of my features. And I had asmile that could melt even the coldest heart. The judge had mademe one sexy looking young woman.I was enjoying myself - so much that I forgot about who I reallywas and why I was here.. I never heard the term bisexual used, it seemed that a woman who ever had sex with another would be considered a queer and that was it. That night when I was home I lay in bed thinking about she had told me, and had me do to her. In those days it would be considered dirty, if not kinky or perverted, what some people might call taboo. I didn't care as she had given me so much pleasure, and thrilled I could please her too, as she had pleasured me, and by this time I was accepting what she was,.
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