.” It was an enormous effort to maintain self-control. But, knowing where losing self-control could lead, she managed it. She just hated and hated ...... bitter gall-burning within. “Knickers up ... back to your desk!” Oh, the humiliation of it! To be treated so! “Julia, out here!” Julia, who had been watching proceedings resignedly, rose and approached the desk. After all she had been through, a simple strapping was nothing to be particularly concerned about, even if not exactly scorned. “Bottom. This weird and crazy plan hit in like lightning and was stronger than the rest of me.Pulling my basketballshorts back up, dipping the cum on my belly with my boxer, but leaving my right hand all covered, I took JW's comic book and walked out of the house. 'Hey May, here's JW's comic, is he is in?'. 'Hey James, they're all gone, just put in on the kitchen table and grab two cans of coke on yr way out, will you?'. Of course I would.I could feel a slightly awkward twinkling in my penis as I walked. "Only if you are willing." As he was saying this, 2 of the men where removing my coat, they took hold of my wrists and with one on either side of me, they held my arms out to the sides. The others closed in and I soon had hands all over me. Caressing my breasts, feeling my bottom, fingering my pussy. Someone behind me had eased his hand in between my legs and inserted a finger into my pussy. This made the lips open and allowed the sponk that the other 2 had put into me, start to trickle out and. He lay there wondering if he should count sheep or something. She turned over, cuddled up in his arms, her naked body almost adhering to his body, as if somebody had sprayed them with glue. “Tony?”“I thought you were asleep baby.”“No,” she said, her hand sliding down his chest past his bellybutton, stopping at his cock and encircling it. “Oh handsome prince,” she whispered, “would you please take pity on your little Cinderella and fuck her?”Becky then turned herself to the left, lifted her leg.
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