Die Kleine würde alles tun, um sie zu überzeugen, sie mitzunehmen. Wie leicht sich dieses dumme Stück doch manipulieren ließ. Das sie mit ihr verw...andt sein sollte, konnte Tonia gar nicht glauben. Und doch hatten beide den gleichen Vater, auch wenn die Blonde das nicht wusste. Eigentlich wusste sie gar nichts. Außer tolle Schulnoten hatte die Blonde nichts zu bieten. Das Tonia ihr dennoch das Gefühl gab, sie würde sich für die Blonde interessieren, war reine Berechnung, denn die Kleine war ihr. As soon as i pulled out she ran into the shower before the cum ran leaked out. The shower was at the end of the room and although the middle portion of glass was frosted you could clearly see her outline. As she washed the cum from her body, Dennis and I chatted and casually watched her. It soon became apparent she was doing more than wash her soiled pussy. She was having a wank in the shower! I walked over and stood at the end of the shower/ wet area. She just wryly smiled and carried on. I. It was wonderful,and soon all 4 of them were taking turns in my mouth.First just a few inces, then all the way into my mouth and down my throat.This went on for quite a while,and then I felt something cold and wet on my tight little hole.One of the men had rubbed lube onto my hole and was gently inserting his rock hard cock into me.He was slow in enetering me, stopping now and then so I could get used to the large cock enetering me.After a few minutes, he was all the way in,and started fucking. I hopped out and found there to only be a small towel on the rack and did my best to make it fit around me. I ran to the door cursing the bell boy for not just coming in and dropping my luggage off. As I opened the door, fully prepared with a sharp remark about ruining my shower, I was stopped dead in my tracks.There, directly in front of me stood Emma, all 5'3in of her, a nervous smile on her beautiful face, and a bottle of Champagne in her delicate hands. I instinctively took the Champagne.
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