In denkbar schlechter Stimmung fuhren wir wieder nach Hause.Meine Mutter schickte mich wütend und sehr enttäuscht auf mein Zimmer. Von dort konnte hören, wie meine Eltern laut darüber diskutierten, wie es nun weiter gehen sollte. Nach einigen Tagen kam es dann zum Gespräch. Sie machten mir noch einmal klar, wie sehr sie von mir enttäuscht waren und dass sie zum Glück eine Lösung gefunden haben. Sie haben für mich einen Platz in einem Mutter und Kind Heim weit entfernt von unserem Zuhause. Catcalls erupted, and I sat down, blushing, as the dark-skinned beauty made the rounds, pouring everyone a glass of homemade jungle juice. Dinner progressed rowdily as the girls got slightly tipsy on Rodneys finest. I was sandwiched between Angela and Sara, the contrast of the thin American blonde on one side and the curvaceous Iranian stunner on the other making this one of the best meals I could remember. Their sweet young bodies pressed against me as we ate, and it was all I could do to keep. She carried herself with an air of understated sensuality and grace.Ariel reached and took one of Bridget's hands in both of hers. "I'm so happy to meet you, Bridget," she said warmly."I'm pleased to meet you too, Ariel," Bridget managed to get out."We have a lot of things on sale, especially intimate apparel. If I can be any help, just let me know." Ariel left them with a smile and a view of her tight ass.A few minutes later Bridget looked around for Ariel and caught her eye. She needed help. I’ll give everything away until we have the same amount of money. Will that help?”“That’s ridiculous,” I said. Liz just tilted her head at me and I realized that I was being silly. “Yeah, fine. Give away your shit and in a year you’d have to do it again. I just ... I just need some more time to adjust to things. OK? Let me get used to you jetting me off to have your wicked way with me in tropical paradises before you hit me with buying a million dollar house.”“My wicked way?” Liz asked. “I seem.
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