” She knew. Her Master what not in to pain, but he loved stopping her in the middle of the action just as a punishment. She hated that, and with thi...s she had no doubts that she would be allowed to watch, but nothing else. He put a headset on her and she could hear the music playing. The music got interrupted by her Masters voice asking her if she could hear it. She confirmed that she could do so. “Good, time to let our guests come in then” The camera was turned towards the door, but it was hold. A gun rested against the wall next to him and his boots werestill very dirty after days of tracking, something the rugs in the guildhall now amply demonstrated. His comrade was a night elf man and thusmuch taller than Alden, yet Syrius gave a more willowy and slenderappearance despite his size. As a druid in training, Syrius wore simplerobes which were open down his chest to show off his hard muscles andpurple skin, and his neck-length dark purple hair seemed very exotic nextto the earth tones. . αγκαλίτσες και αφού κάναμε μπανάκι χώθηκα στην τεράστια αγκαλιά του!! Είναι η αγαπημένη μου στιγμή όταν κοιμόμαστε μαζί!! Μου αρέσει να νιώθω την ανάσα του, να ακούω τους χτύπους της καρδιάς του, να μυρίζω το άρωμα του.. ενώ έρχεται σιγά σιγά ο ύπνος να με ξεκουράσει!! Μου αρέσει να ξυπνάω το βράδυ και να τον νιώθω δίπλα μου, να τον αγγίζω και να λέω... δεν ονειρεύομαι , τον έχω κοντά μου!! Πόσο γεμίζει η ψυχή απο κάποιες μικρές αλλά τόσο σημαντικές στιγμές!! Ξυπνήσαμε το πρωί σχετικά. "It has its own bathroom," she said, as she closed the door before I got a look inside. "Mama doesn't want anyone using the master bedroom or dad's office, and I don't allow anyone but Tommy in my room. Please make sure everyone knows Mama's rule," Tina said, in a mature tone that made her sound much older than fourteen.I wanted to clarify one point. "I take it the guest room is available for our use?"Fourteen-year-old Tina snuggled up to me, and I got a whiff of her perfume as she whispered in.
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