.. equipment." But never on one with advanced life-forms," the colonel replied. "Those who landed here before found themselves immediately under attac...k by the only creatures they encountered, for reasons we still do not understand. We cannot be sure that something in our appearance, our odor, whatever else does not engender similar hostility among other species—or, on the other hand, that we do not appear to this planet as appetizers on the menu of predators. It is my responsibility to protect. "Call me Maren then, Sanura."They sat down in a quiet room and Sanura addressed Maren, "I would like to know the extent of your powers, if you don't mind demonstrating it."Maren looked down, "I'm not sure about that. I mean, I don't like to fight. But I will defend my children and battle real injustices when I encounter it. But I don't use my power a lot. I have learned that I'm quite powerful. I blew up a mountain with the force of an atom bomb. Twice!"Sanura nodded, she had read those. Lisa didn't waste any time."Why don't you come sit over here?" she asked."Ah, s-sure," I stammered, feeling very fucked up and nervous.She immediately dropped her hand onto my leg, tracing up my thigh. My cock responded in kind, springing to life. She kind of giggled as she saw my jeans tent up."How old are you?" she asked, continuing to tease me."Twenty-one" I lied. "How about you?" Oh, you're just a baby...I'm twenty-six. Have you ever been with a freak?"Before I could answer, she had my. ?? Chris did and when he did a whining soundhappened and the slack in the cord was pulled into the cylinder, tightening thecord and pulling the balls straight down.??AAAAAHHHHH.? the guy moaned as he tried to bend his knees and lessenthe strain but his wrists prevented his release.? ?About 5 pounds pressure, Uncomfortable butnot enough to do some damage.? And sir,take your time and enjoy.? Chris snapped his finger against the tight cord and ballsjiggled, and the cock hardened a little.?Funny.
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