Two complimentary parts of the same thing.’ ‘You’re not bad then?’ ‘Oh, but when I’m bad… I’m very, very good!’ the Cat meowed. ‘Y...ou still haven’t told me what you are doing here.’ ‘I’m here to help you live your life. You’ve been wasting it.’ ‘I have not!’ she said indignantly. ‘I’ve been leading a good, wholesome life. I’ve always supported charities and given my time up to help them. I go to church regularly. I pray for others all of the time.’ ‘And what do people think of you?’ ‘I… I don’t. .." was all he said casually. He didn't even look away from the screen and jerked this way and that while his player ran across the screen. I sat there wishing he'd elaborate but he didn't."So you've opened it?" I asked, oddly embarrassed at asking."Of course dumbass, hoe else would I know what they keep in it?" he asked sarcastically."So is there a key? What's in there? Did they ever catch you looking?" I just blurted out questions. I felt like Chris could give me some answers and at the. ’ ‘Oh, sorry. I do not see well without my glasses and I don’t like to wear them because they make me look like a nerd.’ ‘The frown makes you look like a demented nerd. Put them on. Thank you. So I take it you don’t dislike me?’ ‘No, in fact impressing you was the main reason I did not wear my glasses.’ ‘Now would be a good time to ask me out.’ ‘Dinner tonight at Harborside?’ ‘Yes, pick me up at seven.’ ‘From where?’ ‘You already know that.’ ‘I apologize. I have not been stalking you.’ ‘Yes you. I was beyond reason at this point and was embroiled in the passion you'd raised with your teasing throughout the lecture.As we kissed, my hands began to wander over your incredibly sexy body. I've seen bodies like yours in my dreams, but to hold one in my arms and to caress it was beyond heavenly. I could feel your hardening nipples pressing against my chest. Your hips seemed to welcome further exloration by my hands. Your ass was so tight within my grasp. I ran my hands down to the bottom of.
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