Das Leben schien unendlich groß und schön zu sein damals, und ich liebte seinen Penis über alles! Mit seinen zarten Fingern hatte er mich zu meinem... ersten Orgasmus gebracht. Und ich liebte seinen Geruch, sogar den Geruch seines Spermas. Als er das erste Mal in meinen Mund kam, schluckte ich es ohne zu zögern! Es hätte nicht schöner schmecken können! So glücklich war ich. Ich heulte los wie ein Schlosshund – über mich, über Tommi und unsere verlorene Liebe und mein Altwerden und über seinen. “Oh, Daddy, I love you so much.” His eyes were on me. I grabbed the hem of my boob tube. I peeled it up, dragging it over my round tits. Just as my breasts popped out, Daddy letting out a groan of awe at my teenage perkiness, the front door opened.“ ... good buy,” Mom was saying.“Shit!” Daddy groaned and drew up his sweat pants. “Oh, shit.”“Fuck,” I muttered, shoving down my boob tube. I spun around and found Mom entering with shopping bags, my brother right behind her.Session 16 with Mercedes. Melanie counseled patience. Because I couldn’t do anything else, I’d simply have to be patient.I had my tutoring sessions with Melanie, played chess with Mary, messed around with her a few times, and went on double-dates with Pete, Melanie, and Anna. And of course, dinners at Becky’s.Anna and I had settled into a dating relationship that involved a bit of kissing, some hand-holding, and the occasional touch of her breasts outside her clothes. It seemed to me that she thought we had pushed. I had always been able to fend them off. But I'd really never wanted to go any place with anyone else either. It had just turned me off, you know?Most people learn about sex and stuff in high school. I had been in and out of schools all over the state. Tricia was always packing us up and moving again. I never even had a boyfriend. But one thing my mother had taught me was never to be ashamed of my body. And I wasn't. When her guy friends were not around we always were casual about being naked.
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