Something that had not occurred to him before. How old were they? You really couldn’t just look at them and tell as with people. Their a****listic f...eatures made any age gauging difficult.“You whole lives,” he said, barely comprehending, “How old are you two? I never even thought about it before, but I just can’t tell.”“I am 24, and my sister here is 26.” Said Becca, grinning. “We don’t age at the same rate as humans, and our life spans are longer.”“You’re in your twenties?” he asked, somewhat. A couple times they caught me and asked me "Hey, where you going?" I'm tired." was the excuse I gave most often. Sometimes I would just tell them I wasn't feeling well, or I had something to do in the morning. They almost always saw through it; most of the time they gave me a sad look, wishing they could help but didn't stop me on the way out. They cared but they didn't know what to do. And I didn't know either.There were times when I was alone with one of them, where I would explain my. Chase leaned against the other wall, just watching the intense finger fucking I was receiving and enjoying the sight of me moaning and grinding down on that hand. Ten floors later, the doors opened and out we stumbled, his hand still under my skirt. Our door was only a few short steps away, thank God. He fumbled the key card a bit, but after a few tries we were in and ready to roll. Chase immediately kicked off his shoes and began stripping his clothes off. It was only a matter of a few seconds. My mouth was watering as my tongue made contact with Brad's cock. It felt warm on my tongue and I felt it pulsating with pleasure and anticipation.As I reached the top of Brad's dick I noticed that he was leaking precum. I had never wanted to taste my own before but now was excited at the prospect of tasting his. I flicked my tongue out of my mouth a scooped up what had collected in and around his piss slit. I brought the clear substance to my mouth tasting the musky flavor for the first time..
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