Oftmals war er tagelang, manchmal sogar eine ganze Woche weg. Er brachte Emilia alles wichtige bei um sicherzustellen, dass ihr nichts passieren würd...e.Obwohl sie nur 6 Jahre alt war, wusste sie bereits wie man ein Feuer machte und sich selbst Essen kochte. Eines Tages ging ihr Vater wieder einmal auf eine lange Geschäftsreise. Am Abend der Abreise sagte er wie immer: "Also gut Emmi, du kennst die Regeln, ja?" Ja!", rief sie stolz und zählte die Regeln noch einmal auf: "Kein Feuer vor dem. Are you hungry too, baby?’ Her voice took on a husky quality as she said hungry a second time. She moved over to me, kissing me firmly on the neck. Her face looked a little flushed as she briefly moved back and smiled again. Back she came. Mmmmm. She sucked a little on my neck as her hand moved over my chest. ‘I’m so hungry for your dick.’ My cock sprang up. She didn’t always talk like this so I loved it when she did. She laughed softly. Her head moved over my chest, sucking my left nipple in. Our husbands would think that it’s our own love juice and were completely unaware that another mans had been spurting his spunk into us either doggy style or with us riding them in front of the big bedroom mirror. So, when I got to the club and handed over the cash to the receptionist I already knew what type of sex I was going to have that day. I had made my mind up that I would have a 19-year-old lad that would let me spank him really hard and let me fuck, suck him off. He would also lick my. ..' like a fool I followed behind Al to the back side of the stools. The toilet was sat up so that as you entered there was a partition wall that shielded the urinals and first row of stools from the view of the hall. Each separate toilet was in a cubicle that did not have a concealing door and each stool consisted of a bowl with a seat and water pip that attached it to the wall and a drain that attached it to the floor. The stools were sat up so that their was another row behind a partitioned.
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