How much?’ ‘Err, actually not much at all.’ ‘You mean you have lost no more weight?’ I nodded. I could tell Pippa was not pleased. ‘Your n...ot going to believe this. No loss so far. It’s Thursday evening. Next official weight in is only in two days time.’ … ‘I doubt it. Sorry. Just a moment. Stop looking sorry for yourself and get back where you belong. At my feet, hands by my side.’ Pippa was continuing to look sternly at me. ‘You have only yourself to blame. You might get a pound and a half. There was nothing sexy about it, he was just yanking them on. Ihesitated for a moment, then decided what the hell, and shuckedmy own Levis and shirt, though also keeping my shorts on.While he got into the clothes, I rummaged around in the box untilI came up with the plain bra, a pleated, checked skirt, a brightgreen blouse, and a slip. It all went on fairly quickly, and weturned to look at each other. It was almost funny; neither knewmuch about dressing, neither of us had made any real attempt. That means working the spell again and it takes a lot out of a body to do a reset.’ Helen nodded. ‘Bull, can you do the things your grandmother and mother can do?’ He shook his head, ‘no, I think my sisters were learning before I left, but the spells don’t work as good for a man unless he’s been trained from birth. And since those kind of men are seldom…shall we say as masculine as me and Jack might be considered, then you can think why.’ ‘If it starts at birth, then how do they know he’s going. I watched the local house wife's strut their hairy pussies around untill I just couldn't take any more. It was just after midnight and I felt that Tim had to be finished with my wife by then. I eased into our neighborhood and coasted in front of our house with my lights off. I eased into the house being extremely quiet. I stood in the kitchen and listened, I could hear the bed squeaking. I took off my shoes a tiptoed down the hall. The bedroom door was wide open and the light on my wife's night.
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