Ivor, clearly intent on my not returning to the flat in the very near future, was placatory. ‘Stick it out, old boy. Just give it a few days trial. ...You might get to like it.’ I told him what he might attempt to do to himself, realising that in fact shortly it was what he would be doing to others, and slammed down the hand piece. I even considered going in search of Mrs. Mcintosh for company, which indicates the desperation I was experiencing due to lack of companionship and entertainment. On. But you not tell him that Ate! You see if he will want me. OK?Maricar: OK. I will talk to him today.Imee: Oh, Ate, I am scared. Please never be angry with me for this.Me: What?Maricar: I want you to take Imee as your mistress so that we can have a baby.Me: You cannot be serious.Maricar: I am Lawrence. I am very serious.Me: You expect me to have a Mistress? And on top of that in the same house as you, with our maid?Maricar: Yes.Me: And we will be happy - all of us?Maricar: Yes.Me: What if I fall. I don't make her call me Master or do anything that you would be able to pick out unless you too were in The Life. She has rules she has to obey, such as she never touches a doorknob - I open all doors for her when we are together. She has to ask to be excused when she has to leave me. And she tells me what she wants to eat when we go out so I can order for her. Things that used to be gentlemanly and proper behavior," he said. "In addition, she walks on my left side - or the building side of. Ete opened up to sense the mood of his girls. Mostly they were saddened by the death of the mothers. Right now, they were talking to Phoebe like she was a long lost sister, which she was, mostly.
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