By now the pirates were back on their ship as I cut through two more to reach the helmsman. I sliced down across the wheel and turned to catch a blade... aimed for my back. The helmsman screamed behind me as I thrust into the other man’s gut.I shifted to hold both swords in one hand and threw a spike across the deck and into a man that was trying to cut the rope holding the ships together. I threw three more before the pirates all seemed to give up as the crew of my ship began to throw sea. She didn’t want to, either. I am still married, she told herself. But there was a part of her that seemed to add, But not for long. After a couple of moments, Jeff removed his hand, but down deep, Kei wished he hadn’t.Surprising herself, because she had intended to wait and tell the Matthews when there were fewer people around, she blurted out, “My attorney called after we ate last night. He apologized for calling after hours, but he was out of town and in meetings all day. When he returned to. Theonly other jewelry she wore was a thin gold chain necklace, little more thana line around her throat. It fit her definition of minimal; she hoped he'dagree it wasn't garish. She shrugged; if it wasn't to his taste he'd tell her.He didn't seem to have any problem in that regard. This would be their first real date, though it was nothing like any dateshe had ever been on before. Normally she'd fret about what to wear, wherethey would go, if she had to carry the conversation, what to do if or. ‘So what are you up to this evening Al? Got a hot date?’ Dray mused, raiding the fridge for the left-overs of last night’s chicken pie ‘mmmm gfd yoof cnn cukf.’ ‘Draven Gareth Holmes, did your mother not teach you not to talk with your mouth full?’ Alex scolded, grateful for the excuse to change the subject before they got onto the old subject of her social life, or lack thereof. ‘Mmmm baby I do love it when you get all stern with me, I’m such a bad boy’ Dray leered in a deep voice waggling his.
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