To become their chosen king. I had done what generations of feuding lords had not; bring the entire Southern Duchies together for a single great cause..., and under the sword of a single man. The crown was there, offered to me for my taking ... and I said 'No'. Three times. The Foole couldn't believe it and he spent the next week trying to talk me into accepting it, and he nearly succeeded, but Gwenda told me that I'd be miserable within a year, and I'd start to lop off annoying noble heads right. Josie went, of course. The two girls had a wonderful time. They went to the wood, picked flowers in the meadow, overate on birthday cake and chips, and Josie returned with too much to tell her mother to be really coherent. They had asked her over for the following weekend, too, she said. Medbh worked in the local library, and she had been collecting books that she found in charities and car boot sales for a long time. She intended to start her own second-hand bookshop and spent her evenings. .. “Surprise!” her father had called, before his jaw had dropped in awe at Annie’s new, elaborate face-tattoo.Truthfully, it started well below her face - like the tan one would get from wearing a low-cut shirt in the sun, it began between her breasts and bloomed outward from there. The lowest part of the tattoo was a rose-stem, but instead of a single flower, it led to a garden of filthy body-parts, sex toys, and ropes of white cum.At a glance, the lower half of the tattoo could almost be. ” She reluctantly got up, but he kissed her deeply after she got dressed and headed out. The entire thing only took about thirty minutes. She couldn’t believe it when she looked down at her watch and saw how little time had passed. The quick sexual romp gave her renewed energy and she smiled the whole way home reliving it in her head.+++++++++She had plans with Jenny and her friends that night, set to meet them at 8:00pm. And she still had her task to complete. She started right after.
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