And you serve him without reservation. With everything you are. Blindly, even. Knowingly blind. “That kind of devotion, and that kind of possession,... comes from two things, she said. Deep fear,” Silmaria explained, “Or deep love. And sometimes, in some people, from both. Both of them, fear and love, can be equally dangerous if you let those things settle deep in you and you allow a man to master you through them.” Rael studied her closely as she spoke the words, his eyes tracing her earnest. And then I saw her.A quick glance out of the window, and there she was. Just as she had been yesterday morning, standing in her bedroom window, staring straight across into my bathroom. Surprised, I stopped drying myself and looked back at her, covering myself with the towel. She seemed to be wearing the same pink vest top as yesterday, but today had light blue panties on. And her blonde hair, I noticed, was this time platted into two pigtails, and her pretty face was expressionless. For what. ”I found a good room on the eastern side of the building and crawled into it so I didn’t expose myself. I pulled out my sniper rifle, mounted a thermal scope in front of my regular scope and began to scan the roof of the tall building. With the thermal scope, I was able to follow the sniper’s footsteps to his hidey-hole. The fucker had removed an air vent cover and was inside the vent: Hell I could even see his hands where he touched the air vent and of course I could see his thermal image in. They work two days a week for 3 months of the yearThe first time I selected an intern my buddies pulled my aside"Grab a hottie" and they winkedI picked a red head from a nearby schoolLater they filled me inThese girsl know the game" they said. " They'll put out just to get hiredThey Helped me understand how it works"Get a cheap apartment, take her to lunch, buy some drinks and go to your apartmentSure enough, lJessica laughed at everything I said and willingly went to my love nestI was.
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