Unfortunately for Tom; he had figuredwrong. First and foremost in his mind when he read them was how it wouldfeel to have woman doing all those things... to him. This just drove up hisstate of arousal even more. And somewhere in the back of his arousedmind was also the thought that he would soon be doing these things tohis new toy for the benefit of Princess Dee. He no longer felt disgustat the idea of it; it was more shame now. Not only was he feeling shamethat he would have to do it in front of. She said, Oh you are so good after having a big orgasm. She smiled at me and said Its your turn now. She took off my pant took out my cock which was already standing erect saluting her beauty. She asked me to stand up and sat on her knees in between my legs and held my dick in her hand and gave a jerk. What are you doing I said. Ringing the bell was her answer. She then gripped me manhood in her beautiful hand and started making forward and backward movements. This increased the blood flow and. He walked around me.. and i felt a really creepy sensation on the back of my neck as he looked at my backside. I could just feel him staring at my ass. I heard a sort of swishing sound, and then felt warm air on my ass, and i realized he was squatting down and looking at my ass. Oh. my. god. That was such a weird mix of feelings. But i ddin't turn around. I stood there like a shivering statue. "So ah.. ya got a name?" he asked, seeming to have stood up again. I wasn't going to tell him my. We had just enlarged from being a Battalion and I wasn't even used to being called 'Major' yet. "We have received a call from Thomas Calderon, Protector of the Taurian Concordat himself for a job. We are being given this assignment for two reasons. One, the world we are going to assist is in the Magistracy of Canopus and is a world that Canopus and the Concordat have battled over in the past. It was thought that by sending in a Mercenary group it wouldn't appear that they're trying to take.
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