Gestern Nacht sprachen wir wieder darüber, ich kraulte sein Haar, die ersten Höhepunkte waren erlebt und so blieb zeit zum reden, ich wollte eigentl...ich schon wieder ficken, aber ich tat ihm den Gefallen, ja, Huren müssen auch gute Zuhörerinnen sein, ich würde schon noch bekommen was ich so nötig hatte.Während er sich aussprach, wanderte meine andere Hand fast unmerklich zu seinem halbsteifen, verschmierten Schwanz. Ich strich sanft über die leicht schrumpelige Haut seiner weichen Eier -wie. Back before it happened and the world turned upside down and inside out.After the meeting, the principal stopped him, a hand on his shouder. "Job's yours," the smiling man said, "but we have to advertise both positions and do interviews. Understand?" His outward manner said jovial, but almost no faculty member believed it. He was a petty tyrant with a few favorites.The teacher nodded, pushing aside a small doubt, sure there were better qualified men out there, phony interviews were common. “Please touch me, I am so close already,” you ask impatiently, your voice is trembling in anticipation now. I cup your pussy; you are so wet, juices pooling in the palm of my hand. I thrust two fingers into you as deep as they will go. You scream out loud in ecstasy, as go over the edge cumming hard as you do so. I flip you over onto your back in an instant. My tongue laps up the juices that are gushing from deep within your pussy. You let out a little sigh and push your hips up towards me.. If he tries to rebel, calmly explain that he chose this life. It was his decision, he wanted this his whole life. He wanted a powerful woman to take total control over him. Sometimes it helps to tell him that it's not gay if he doesn't really have a choice. Use pornstars as an example. Most of them aren't lesbian or bisexual. But they still have sex with other girls because that's their job. Its just a job, it's just sex. Calm him down and tell him you'll start slow, but you know you've already.
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