"Hey Tom!" I called out. He was laying on the bed moving his arm. "What are ya up to?" I asked. He turned to face me, and I saw he was jerking off. I ...walked over to him and sat on his bed. "Mm what a nice cock you have there Tom." Without giving him time to reply, I took his cock in my hands and began to pump it, while licking the tip and suckling it gently; tasting some of his pre-cum. He moaned and grabbed the back of my head begging for more. I licked my way down his shaft and gently licked. I just don't want you to blow your wad yet. I want to make you edge and last a bit longer." As I pulled off his cock, I slowly took his head and guided it down to my waiting rod! "Don't worry I'll go easy on you since it's your first time." I slowly slip the tip of my dick past his wet lips. He kissed and licked the head just like he was a pro. I slid more and more in until I heard him gag. I backed off! His eyes welled up with tears and he laughed. "Fuck your cock is huge!" "Just take it slow. “Quiet slave!” - Animal displayed authority in front of his rivals and put back the brass knuckles he used on the 19 years old's breast to remind the cunt of her place. On that fateful night the two bike leaders agreed to do a new savage contest surpassing anything done so far! Talesman was eager to see how far his methods have trained the endurance and determination of his slave. Animal agreed to do it same night if the ladies were ready. And by Gally they were! Lindsey was. Sweetened, please. With lemon, if possible. The girl nodded, jotting a quick note on her pad before giving a smile and walking away. I lifted the book again and turned the page, reading the next few lines of the story. Is my presence that boring, you need to bring a book with you to be sure youre entertained? Matt slid himself in across from me. Well, you know… you were just so dull yesterday, I didnt think Id be able to handle it a second time. Making a face, he picked out a Splenda packet and.
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