The carrot at the end of the stick so to speak.’ * Meanwhile over on the Mainland, in a side street of Southsea just outside of Portsmouth, huddled ...together on a sofa the young coppers parents sat, a female Police Officer with them. Outside they could hear the noise of the press, waiting and hoping for statements, camera’s trained towards the curtain covered windows, causing more pressure and stress to the worried couple who didn’t know if their son was alive or dead. ‘Such a lovely lad our. I finally was able to move but I still did not know what to do... how could I get out of this? I knew there was no use in hiding or not answering the door, he had seen me, he was scheduled to be here. I walked to the door shaking with fear. As I opened the door the man was extremely nice and the second man was standing further back with tools in his hands. The first man stepped up to introduce himself as Richard. I caught myself almost giving my male name and shaking hands like a man, but at. You are his brother. What can we help with?"Paul says, "We are here to talk to Brother."Brother, "Paul we can speak freely. What is it you seek?" We need to know about the early days. All of the problems we are having, I think stem from someone who thinks he was wronged in those days." Mr. Austin, he is the one you seek." Why him?" We were doing something no one else has ever attempted. He felt we were not going far enough. He tried to persuade everyone to his way of thinking." What was his way. I'm here now to detail exactly what you are facing and what you need to do and to answer any questions, of course."What followed was a 20 minute lecture on Promisense, TransTalent, Impolecs, the PleasureJac, self-destruct switches, kidnap victims, Adrian Beimbeau and Ord Stonewell. At the end of the lecture Harold Lee raised his hand."Let me get this straight, are you encouraging us to kill anyone involved with this project? Anyone who might get in our way?" These are violent people, Mr. Lee..
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