Norms are mostly unspoken, and generally never from any written or codified work. Philosopher: Well, that’s sociology, and I’m talking philosophy.... Realist: And is your philosophy somehow superior to this proven social science? Philosopher: For my purposes it is. Realist: And let me guess, your philosophy is superior to all others. Philosopher: Hmmm. . . Oh, I’d love it if it were. Hmmm. . . no, I’d have to say a colleague of mine has me beat. Dr. Nick Singh managed to convince himself that. "As far as I know, it's just a patch of woods." I think I was back there once or twice with Cousin Doyce when I was a teenager," Catalina said. "About all I can remember was that it was pretty hilly."Bonnie frowned. "Catalina, what were you doing back there with Doyce?" Making out, of course," Catalina snorted."You were making out with Doyce Smith?" Bonnie asked, the disbelief still evident in her voice."Hell, I was a kid. I didn't know any better," Catalina replied. "We never did anything. Soon I had met a golden haired boy from the nearby village and we got used to spending time together, going to the orchards or the pond or the village market. In the afternoons it became a habit for us to visit the pond. We took off our clothes and plunge into the clear waters, and have a short nap among the bushes after that. In one afternoon after a long swim as we layed down to have a rest, we went to sleep so fast. In the middle of sleep and awakening, I felt the boy approaching and placing. "You like it don't you?" It felt weird at first but now I love it. I love how I feel." "I'm glad to hear it. Well, I told you I don't like guys and that I like girls. Well, that's not all correct. I do like guys but feminized guys like you. Don't you think you look good? I do. You look like a girl. But you're not. You're a guy aren't you? Once a normal guy but now you are nothing but a sissy wearing sissy clothes. You probably act like a sissy too. Let's see." My mind was racing, "What does he.
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