No me sorprendió ver que mi esposa no llevara tanga esa noche. Me quedé como hipnotizado mirando los dedos de ese tipo que separaban los labios vagi...nales y le frotaban la entrada de la concha, no la podía ver directamente, pero, por el brillo de los dedos se apreciaba bien mojada.El hijo de puta siguió haciéndolo hasta que ella empezó a ponerse tensa, señal de que estaba a punto de acabar. Cuando parecía ya estar al borde del primer orgasmo, el tipo se detuvo de golpe, dejándola a propósito. When I got up to our room, there was my wife, sprawled out on the bed, snoring like a buzzsaw. She clearly forgot what she went up there for. I grabbed a pillow from our bed, and an extra blanket and went down to bring them to our overnight guest. When I got back down, I could already hear our guest snoring as I approached the living room. There she was laying on her back on the couch, legs parted and her pussy on full display. She had a nice dark mound of hair between her legs, and with all. When he took her to bed a second time, and then another, she went more than gladly. They had been quiet about it. It was not unusual for Lords to carry on trysts with servants, but it was not spoken of openly. Silmaria had no doubt that others noticed, but no one said anything on the matter and at the time she was too happy and fulfilled to care. Through it all Master Edwin changed little about the way he treated her; she had always been one of his favorites and this was well known throughout. Even though the settlement was okay, she still had to work as a cashier at the store, she was working in part time when she first fell pregnant. The owners felt sorry for her but never enough to offer regular raises, their charity was of the kind that believed charity started at home. The hurt of losing her husband was taking its’ toll on her, after all this was the late 1950s. People who divorced were frowned upon.She had started to hit the booze on a regular basis, coming in from work,.
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