..' This, of course, was just what Helmuthad hoped for! 'Of course. I shall give him a note to bring to you, to confirm thetransaction....' A few... days later, Bettina is surprised when the village priest, FatherJacob, comes to call. She has only seen him in Church, and he has nevercalled at their house before. The priest gives her Mum a letter, then hermother tells her to go out to play for an hour. The priest becomes a regular weekly visitor to their house, and thesalesman comes to. 30am when I arrived at the clinic. There were photos mounted on the wall of all the staff. I located Paul and went into wait. His photograph reminded me of how gorgeous he was again. I waited only a short time before the receptionist called me into the room. There was Paul. He stood up and shook my hand, apologizing sincerely for his clumsiness the night before. He was a perfect height, about 6 foot 2. He had a mop of dark hair and the most beautiful blue eyes. His eyelashes seemed to go on. He was just able to release the tourniquet before hefelt the chemical take effect.He was almost immediately paralysed. The only thing he could move was hiseyes. He could feel everything, see everything but he couldn't move nomatter how hard he tried. He inhaled the orangey scent of the perfume.He looked at the screen and watched himself lift Rhonda Stevens' legs andplunge his cock into her. He watched himself fucking the helpless woman.He could see that on the screen he was enjoying himself. Elyse stood before him, naked to the waist, her hands now busy below his belt, her actions also hidden from her husband's sight. She knelt, now on her knees below him, her hands still busy, still hidden from her husband by waves of shining hair. Her small fingers closed around his cock, smoothly running the length of it as the tip grew wet before her eyes. She closed her lips around it, the ball of flesh hard and warm against her tongue. She welcomed the familiar taste of him, and let him know.
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