“Tom how long have you wanted me” Tom blushed “a while you are well fit” Carmel laughed “been called many things but never fit, have you and... Molly you know done it”? Tom could feel the heat of his embarrassment being quizzed by his girlfriends mum about their sex life. “well yes we have but it was the first time” “and did she enjoy” “I think so but it was great with you as well” “well Tom I have a confession I was hoping you would try it on as you are a real good looking guy and make me feel. I quickly stood over by the wall on an angle that I couldn’t see the screen. She noticed the room door was open and that I was in there and she quickly ran over to her computer, but when she saw the computer was on she had a worried face and quickly closed it.She asked “Ryan, what are you doing here? My room door was closed because I didn’t want anyone in here.”I replied “I need help with my calculus homework; I can’t seem to solve one of the problems.”“Okay, fine, I’ll help you with it, but. “Seriously, Joe,” she whispered as our skin enjoyed the touches and rub, “what’s going to happen?”‘We’re going to fight. I guess you heard that the Russians caved in after one of those big bombs pulverized Moscow.”She shook her head. “Wonder why they didn’t hit London?”“They’d already burned most of it down. Guess they thought there wasn’t enough left to bother with. Anyhow, they claim they’re landing now, paratroops.”“Will they come up here, the Germans?” Her hand snaked down and found my cock. And then he pulled back out and then back in, over and over.I was in heaven. We moaned and kissed into one another’s mouths while our bodies slid together. It was like he was a teenager again—just two teenagers having a morning fuck. I reached back to cup his balls, knowing that we had transgressed the perverted relationship he had initiated the previous night. We were no longer just father and daughter, but lovers. The idea of being lover to my father just got me even hotter. It must have him.
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