He stands up and she pulls his trunks down and I see and hear her gasp as she sees it, it is at least 10 or 12" long and as big around as her wrist. S...he starts sucking him, not able to get much more than the head in her mouth. How I loved seeing my prim and proper wife of so many years sucking that young black cock right in front of me. After just a few minutes she said she couldn't help it she just had to have that young hard thing inside her. he slid off her bottoms and she got in the middle. .”, cateva palme se lipira de crestetul lui. Hohotele de plans ale maica-sii il speriara, abia acum realizand perfect constient ca tocmai isi facuse pofta sexuala cu mama lui. Maica-sa plangea acum in bucatarie, asezata pe scaun, cu un prosop tinut la ochi. Rusinat, se indrepta spre dormitorul lui, de unde iesise cu acea uriasa dorinta de sex. Durerea din pantecul lui se linistise dar acum ii zvacnea capul de cele intamplate. I se parea, cu toata lipsa de rusine, ca partida de sex cu maica-sa a. Scott was stretched out atop his sleeping bag listening to the wind whistle as the rain drops started to drum against the sides of the tent. A nearby bolt of lightning lit up their tents, and he heard Ed exclaim, "Holy..." only for the rest to be drowned out by the loudest crash of thunder he'd ever heard."Shit," Bo shouted in the aftermath.Scott called back, "That was too damn close."Jobe whimpered from his blanket. Scott reached over and patted the dog's head reassuringly. The rain was really. I started to moan loudly, for I was on the verge of exploding. Then my son started to ejaculate his semen inside of me; he shoved his penis as far as he could get it into me. I could feel every squirt of my son's warm seed being deposited inside of me, and it running down into the opening of my cervix and into my uterus. I was almost over the edge.....After just a few seconds, my son was finished inseminating me with his seed. I could feel his semen flowing down into the opening of my cervix.
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