Als ihr Arsch sich an meinen harten Schwanz gewöhnt hatte und er genug gedehnt war, begann sie mich zu ficken, sie stöhnte immer heftiger das ich der Fernbedienung griff um Musik anzumachen. Sie machte sie wieder aus, sie sagte das sie es anmacht wenn andere es hören wie sie ihren Mann betrügt. Die Frau war nach meinem Geschmack, mein Schwanz schwoll gleich noch fester an, ihr enges Arschloch umschlang ihn immer fester, schnürrte ihn immer mehr ab und je steifer wurde er. Ich zog sie zu. “Ok, well I think we have a plan to get your photo for your master Taatiana. I have asked Nick and Sarah if they would help too, I’m sure that will be fine?” He said. I looked at him and took a deep breath, “Yes that’s fine.” I knew I would have to thank Sarah and Nick as well as Robert. My Master’s face went through my mind when I shifted in my seat and felt the plug move. I smiled with Him in my thoughts. “What’s our plan Sir?” I asked. “Taatiana, first I would like you to know what is. He pulled his hand away and steadied her hips before hersmacked it down on her ass forcefully and then chastised her “now now, not so fast Belle”He continued kissing down her ass slowly to her inner thigh and licking each one up until her couldsmell her and his nose was inches from the pussy he wanted. Then he pushed his face between her legsand his tongue came out as she arched her back and pushed her hips out wanting his tongue to reach herclit as he pressed it against her pussy and tasted. She secured him to it by wrist cuffs I had not noticed when I shook his hand. Katrine secured his legs and smacked his ass playfully with her hand. She went over to a rack and pulled a flogger with long black leather lashes from it's place. She flung it about in figure eights in front of her. She walked closer to Johnson and began lightly at first striking his back and butt. As she continued the strikes became slower but with more force, more focused. I undressed as I watched them play. Katrina.
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