Als er sich erbahmte und ich ihn endlich blasen konnte schob er seinen Schwanz mit Wucht tief in meinen Hals. Er fing an den Mund regelrecht zu Ficken.... Ich genoss jeden stoss den mein Maul abbekam. Ca 10min. hat er mich so behandelt bevor er mir eine Gewaltige ladung mitten ins Gesicht gesprizt hatte. Alle sahen wir mir das Sperma durchs Gesicht lief. Ich konnte nicht anders,musste mir aber immer wieder die Lippen lecken. Was die Männer nur dazu animierte mich weiter zu beleidigen und zu. The civilians in the North African battlefields knew enough to stay far away from the fighting because any movement in a battle sight was fair game to a soldier with an instinct for survival. The only time the civilians would encroach on the battlefield was after the conclusion of the battle and they would rush out and strip the fallen soldiers, German, Italian and British of anything of value including arms and ammo and sometimes, even slit a throat here or there more in a sense of mercy than. The next woman must have stopped a few steps back from the table to give the men a show."Take a good look, boys," she teased. "Give me your number now, and you'll have my number later!"Cassie saw several men squirm to adjust themselves. The man in front of her reached under the table and pulled Cassie forward. His move was bad form as well, but Cassie was more than willing to take advantage of him. She pressed her tongue flat against his cock and tasted the length of it.Her eyes drifted shut as. The sheer shock of such a massive cum was so intense and my whole body bucked and gyrated in delicious ecstasy,orgasm followed orgasm and I finally hit such a big one that I squirted all over her...screaming “OH FUUUUCCCCKKKKKKKKK YAAAAAAAAAA!!!” several times as I did so...OMG...and I have only ever squirted five times in my life!!!!!This was so intense I nearly blacked out,but managed to hold myself together.Sheer ripples of sordid,lustful blissful pleasure rippled through me,i virtually.
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