Get on the horn to Witherspoon -- I'm going to need a couple of his people. And send Ed to me..." You sent for me, Sir?" Ed entered Armand's study car...efully. The Boss could go either way; he didn't remember anything he'd screwed up, but he'd been thinking about finding a way to tap Inez... "I want to send you over to my ex-wife's house tomorrow," Armand announced. "She tore up a couple of rooms, looking for surveillance equipment; I want you to fix it." Okay." I'm going to be sending a couple. She rubbed two fingers on the denim covering my erection, leaned close to my ear and whispered “Jack off for me.”“What!?” I almost shoutedTia stepped away from me and the coy seductive girl evaporated into thin air, “Do it,” she ordered, “I want to see you masturbate. I never saw a boy do it, so, jerk off and squirt all over the floor.”“But …..”“But what? Did you think I brought you in here to fuck me?” She started to smile, “I’m not going to fuck you slave brother, I’m fucking with you. Do. 09.2011 - 08:29 Subject: beach surprise Nice little story - this is a big fantasy of mine so I really loved it!From: ** Date: 18.09.2011 - 23:45 Subject: Re: beach surprise Hi Annie. It is a big turn-on for me as well. Did it make you aroused? Would you like it to happen to you? I have just reread the story and it has made me aroused again.From: NaughtyAnnie Date: 19.09.2011 - 09:38 Subject: massage Just been reading your stories on my phone in back of a lecture they are making. " She's smiling over her shoulder at my hard cock."Is this where it belongs?" I ask, kneeling behind her and rubbing my cockhead up and down between her wet pussy lips."Mmmmm," she moans, thrusting her ass back towards me and impaling herself on my rigid pole. "More like this!" she says, grinding her ass against me as I grip her hips and start pumping in and out of her."Oh yeah!" she cries as I pick up the rhythm and watch my cock slide in and out of her fur-trimmed hole. "I can't get enough of.
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