Together with the battleship there were eighteen troop transports, six frigates, four heavy cruisers, and a few hundred smaller craft as an auxiliary ...fleet.The station harboured another precious commodity. Two small ships held copies of all the information that the Tandra had accumulated over the ages. This was of untold value, containing all their scientific research and observations, and the imperial archives. I hoped these archives might reveal other crystal-producing areas, and I suspected. Jason took charge."Right boy, you kneel down and get Jane's cunt ready for me while she sucks my big black cock". I did as I was told, and after a while Jason told me to have a good look at my wife's mouth sliding up and down his cock."She is a terrific cocksucker isn't she?" he asked. "Oh of course, you have never had it have you?" And never will" my wife cut in spitefully, before returning to worship his magnificent prick.When they were ready, Jane told me to bring over a chair and sit by the. His strokes getting faster, Tammy keeping up with him, moving her hot ass with his every stroke. “Damn, you are tight, feels great.” he said loud enough for all to hear. Some others had come in watching intently as Tammy was fucking the guy. Some were already pulling on their rods with anticipation. “Your cock feels good also.” she replied. “I’m having a good time.” During this fuck session, some had come in then left, many were probably gay, not interested or didn’t want sloppy number two. “OK, looks fine. Let’s get it in there. I’ll go in first with the breakfast tray. You follow me with the coffee and the morning papers. Let’s have a quick look at you.” Debra perused Julie carefully. Julie was in a becoming soft white skirt and a pretty rose coloured top that matched her hair ribbon and gave her a fresh youthful appearance. Julie was bemused that Debra had insisted on her looking her best. She was more used to jumping into a pair of faded jeans or a tracksuit bottom and t-shirt.
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