Quand nous avions des relations, je mecontentais le plus souvent de cunnilingus endiabl?s. C'?taient justedes ?chauffements, car ma langue ?tait d?sor...mais plus utile autour dela bite de mon Franck.Ce qui devait arriver, arriva.Un jour Elodie et moi avons rompu. Comme ?a, sans anicroches, toutnaturellement. Elle m'avoua ne plus tout ? fait me percevoir commeson copain, et elle sentait bien que quelque chose se passait avecFranck.Elle ne tenait pas non plus ? prolonger sa relation avec lui.. Hearing foots steps in themist they stopped and turned towards the sound. Walking towards them wasa very distressed Brandon, held on either side by Mrs. Granger and herdaughter also, a member of the Coven. Samuel was also with the groupthough he was free to move on his ownHaving caught him in a trap of their own, under the lure of some workrequired, they managed to get him to give back most of the money gainedand would give it back pro rata to his victims; they had managed, withsome effort, to. I muttered under my breath. I really didn't have time for this."I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry!" she repeated again, sheepishly as she exited her vehicle. She looked to be about 29, wavy blond long hair, and a reasonably thin figure except for her big ass. She was dressed expensively. Lots of bling too. Betcha she didn't have the brains to add two and two."Please, please, I'm sorry!" she pleaded with a pout on her lips, waving her arms around apprehensively. "This is all my fault, please, we can't. Zak took us to the right and we found a huge kitchen with food on all the countertops. That led to a dining area and then out back to a large patio where everyone seemed to be. I would later discover a path that led to a pool and tennis court where another group had congregated.Ridge and Bill decided to hit the bar while Zak took me around to meet everybody. I soon found out he’d used my name to entice people to come to the party. I got the impression Zak had a bad reputation as a pussy-hound..
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