His house stank of oily steam; the sound of engines and pumping pistons were everywhere. Greasy substances filled her nostrils and it was all she coul...d do to be as pleasant as she could. Ebenizer made them both a nice cup of tea; the biscuits he presented were somewhat odd, so she left them on the plate. They chatted about her problem, and all the while he listened, he took notes and made sketches and came to the conclusion that he could indeed help her. But, and it was a big but, she had to. Although I am twenty-one, Gilly is not quite twenty. Our waiter solves the problem by bringing the wine with two wine glasses. I pour a glass for Gilly and one for myself. She looks at me nervously, but decides a glass won’t hurt her and smiles as she says thank you to me. ‘Gillian, we need a toast. Do you have one or should I?’ ‘Go ahead Michael, I’m sure it will be nice!’ ‘Raise you glass honey.’ I take a moment to think and say, ‘This is one I learned from my uncle Bill so, (ahem!)’ . I gasped at the mix of pain and pleasure it brought me.He smiled as we pulled up to the hotel, undoing my seat belt before the valet opened our doors. I followed him to the lobby, waiting patiently as he checked us into the hotel room and led me to the empty elevator. “You going to be a good girl tonight?” He smiled mischievously as he pushed the button for the 10th floor.“Yes, Papi,” I smiled as he slid his hand under my skirt to stroke over my cleanly shaven lump. “I want to be a good girl. Well, yeah, I'd like to think that. If I make it memorable enough . . . . So I made him chuck off his sandals and I peeled him free of his pants and I sat there and looked at him and yes, though he was no designer jeans Adonis he was going to be my little David. I hustled down between his legs and finally unpinned my hair and swept it around on his thighs, swishing my head for drama. His cock was nice and long, not meaty per se but a neat hard bone, nicely angled. I pulled back his foreskin,.
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