When in the sequence of events ... or a plan ... there is always certain expenditure of monies unexpected. Nida Core is expensive unless bought in bul...k ... like a railcar of it ... even the purchase in truck sized lots ... OR ... the honeycomb core can be bought by itself and your own bread added to it ... bread being your underlayment or overlayment ... or both ... The honeycomb is flexible ... to a point ... while the completed article is not.Thorough investigation later, I bought the core. Imagine his shock as he opened the front door and was greeted by the sight of his practically nude, dead fiancee sitting on the couch. David immediately dialed 911 and a nearby police cruiser arrived in minutes. Within thirty more minutes; the place was abuzz with law enforcement and the coroner now arrived. Frank , the coroner, now began his prelimary examination of the corpse as the police were securing the crime scene and gathering their evidence and interviewing a much shaken Dave. Frank. Caroline told me all of this only this morning, but it had only happened yesterday. It had been really hard for me and my sister to leave the Carmelite Mission at Rio Bela a week ago. Hard to say goodbye to the three Brothers, Clarence, Michael and Gabriel who had saved us from the Bayblonchera and their great war-chief. War-Chief Nimrod who burned the community of Zeboim to the ground. Lawrence, our father called the monks who saved us “his guardian angels.”Unlike us, father was ready to leave. "Liz turned her head and bit her lower lip."I didn't mean to embarrass you," I said."It isn't that," Liz said with a heavy sigh. "I've had fun today too. I think I always knew it'd be cool to hang out with you again. But, well, I'm not sure that I haven't spent the best consecutive 10 hours of my life. I told you that I felt normal today. I ... I can see living a life like this. I like having someone that ... just lets me be me. Now I'm kicking myself again for not calling you 10 years ago." I.
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