Ich habe schon als Kind angefangen, recht intensiv Sport zu betreiben und im Laufe der Jahre habe ich wohl schon fast alle Sportarten einmal ausprobie...rt. Am meisten hat es mir aber der Kraftsport angetan und ich verbringe täglich eine lange Zeit in der ?Folterkammer? im Keller, wo ich mir die Geräte mit den anderen Bewohnern unseres Mehrfamilienhauses teilen kann. Durch den andauernden Kampf mit Hanteln und Gewichten konnte ich mir einen ziemlich muskulösen Körperbau mit gut definierter Arm-,. She felt like shit.She had bruises on top of bruises. She felt aches in places that she didn't know could ache. And, knowing how bruises and aches went, she didn't doubt that she would feel worse tomorrow.She heard footsteps and then someone pushing through the curtained doorway. "I don't want any more pain killers. Ask me again and I'll probably shove that syringe up your ass," she said tiredly and without looking."Okay, save all the good drugs for Justin. So noted." He grinned as she turned. This was very odd as it was hot and sunnyoutside but good because people couldn't see me! It started to get veryhot. I was dressed in a winter outfit, the conservatory was in full sunand about 110 degrees, the clear plastic made it even hotter and now shewas taping up around the raincover sealing the air in. I tried toscream. "There," she said admiring her handy work. "You have a smallvent to breathe but it will get hot! You didn't think I was taking youout all smelly dressed like that? No this. She was about 5'5" as well but with big black titties and a big round ass. I had to sit down to watch this show. She and Kate began dancing and grinding with the pole between them. Vanessa lifted Kate's shirt and licked her boobs. Then she put her hand up my wife's skirt and began rubbing her pussy. My cock was dripping pre-cum at this point and was so hard I didn't know what to do. They stopped dancing and sat down together and began talking. I couldn't really hear them so I moved a little.
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